First running of my plug-in in Rhino 8 - couple of questions

Hi Team,

The recent ‘soft’ release of Rhino 8 has finally got me to look at installing my Kite Design Plugin in to the new version.

So far looking good:

The only problem I ran into was BBX/Brep to Brep intersection’s the curves from these are the opposite direction to the same file in R7. I had to put in Flip Curve components with a guide curve to keep R7/R8 on the same source code.

Kind of a strange problem, but also a pretty simple one to fix on my side and the resulting code is more robust I guess.


  1. Rhino Script Complier is missing from Rhino 8 - will it be available or is it being killed off?

  2. I have this error message come up on launch of GH and/or my plug in (written in GH):

How do I fix this on my machine AND on any users machine?

I think that is it.

BTW - Dark theme UI looks very cool - THANKS!



Another question - RUI files in .YAK drag and drop installs - are these now ignored by Rhino 8 and I need to use a different method to get a custom launch menu?



Hi @kiteboardshaper,

You should find RhinoScriptCompiler.exe in the C:\Program Files\Rhino 8\System folder.

@eirannejad, @stevebaer - is this anything you know about?

Embedding .RUI files in .YAK packages still works. Where can I find your package?

– Dale

Hi Dave -

In addition to what Dale wrote, you can compile plug-ins from the ScriptEditor dialog. See this video tutorial to get you started with that →

Thanks Dale - I’ll send you a link to the package in private message.



Hi Win,

That looks amazing!

BUT My plugin is written in GH and I’ve promised my clients to keep R7 compatibility until at least the release of R9 so I need to stay with the legacy complier for now.



AH - my mistake @Dale - I had actually forgotten to copy the RUI file into the YAK file before install.



Hi Dave -

That doesn’t matter. You can use the compiler of the ScriptEditor to turn Grasshopper files into plug-ins.

You can pick a Rhino 7 build target when building your package:


Hi @wim

In the video you advise that you can not target GH files to R7, only Python and C#?



Hi Dave -

It’s @eirannejad’s video and I hadn’t heard that advise. I did quickly test this, though, before I wrote that previous answer. I had first targeted Rhino 8 and tried to load that plug-in in Rhino 7, and that failed. When I then targeted 7.31, that went fine in Rhino 7. Maybe Ehsan’s comment pre-dates the current state or I got lucky… I’ll have to let him get back to you on that one.

You can add IronPython files and Grasshopper files that do not use the new scripting component (or any other new Rhino 8 component) to a project and create a Rhino 7 plugin.

Basically makes sure the IronPython script an Grasshopper definition can actually run in R7

Looks like others are getting this python error message:



There is a conflict with Newtonsoft.Json that we are working on a fix for right now. Follow this ticket please:
RH-75990 Publishing fails due to missing Newtonsoft.Json

Morning guys, I have downloaded 8.2 RC and have found some of the bugs that are preventing my Plugin from running are fixed. However I’ve still getting this come up on running GH:

Is there something I need to do at my end?



Hi @eirannejad

I got a chance to look at compiling my plugin using the script editor in R8 today.

Firstly my ‘launch commands’ are written in IronPython but when I go to publish and set the target to R7.34 the Publish Project reports an error of “only Ironpython commands can target R7”

Then when I set the target to Rhino 8 the progress bar at the bottom of the window stalls at about 1/3 progress and ‘Preparing plugin assembly’

For now the R7 script compiler is set up, fast and easy. I’ll need to find time to trouble shoot whats going on here with the Script Editor.



And yep - I can’t break out of this stall of the Publish Project window and have to kill Rhino to exit.