I am working on an algorithm in which on certain curves I must place a point whose coordinates I enter into the algorithm and generate it and then at this point I will place a certain object…but grasshopper adds points and objects at points that should not have them. …I think this is because in grasshopper the number of points and curves should be equal…but how can I perhaps generate those missing points through a component but in the end I can filter and eliminate those generated points and by where to eliminate those extra objects created… I had thought about using the series component… but maybe that’s not the way to go…
yes, it’s usually a problem related to data-tree matching, when list have different lengths and you do something on them, GH usually matches them by repeating the last item of the shortest one, as if you were using the Longest List component with “repeat last”
but you’ll understand it’s pretty difficult to discuss this without a reference please post your grasshopper file and remember to internalize geometries first
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