In my plugin, i use to read plugin-related data in the overridden version of ReadDocument() method.
This worked for years but recently i’ve updated my plugin to Rhino8 and now I’ve noticed that something strange happens.
My plugin was deployed since Rhino6 (and updated to Rhino7 too) and has always written and read some custom data in 3DM files.
This is a brief description of what’s happening in the Rhino8 version of plugin.
- Saving and reading using Rhino8 file format: everything works fine
- Reading a file in Rhino7 file format: the ReadDocument() is called but plugin data seems not readable anymore or they are in a different format (please note that my custom data has not changed from version 7)
- Reading a file in Rhino6 file format: ReadDocument() is not called!
Can you please help me?
Wow! I’m not so happy to hear that!
Not exactly: I’m sure that the document contains data because I can read it if I read the document in Rhino 7… And in Rhino 6 also!
I tried to replicate that thread by writing a bare bones plugin, but couldn’t seem to. Do you have some code I can test?
That’s not easy to send you the code: I write and read a lot of data and the code is fragmented in different classes.
Anyway, the code has not changed from V7 to V8.
I could send you some files containing some data…
Understandable @software_comas,
If you PM me your plugins GUID and some files containing data, I could likely write a simple plugin to try and see if ReadDocument fires on Rhino 6 data, but as for unreadable data, I can’t try and replicate that without the code as I don’t have any idea how to interpret the data within the files.
Yes I’ve experienced the same issue. Sorry for late reply but I was not present on the forum for some time.
Hey @karol.wierzbicki can you expand on what your specific issue is relating to this issue? Is your issue in 8? Other versions? etc. 
The issue I’ve experienced occurred only in Rhino 7, however we only used versions 7 and 8 so I am not sure if this was the case in earlier versions. It looked like the ReadDocument method from PlugIn interface was never triggered. We’ve moved to all Rhino 8 now so I am not sure if this is still the case. This my case: ReadDocument not triggered - #2 by CallumSykes
Let me know if it persists as an issue, we’re unlikely to push rhino 7 fixes, but we are still supporting fixes for Rhino 8 and if it is an issue we’d want to fix this.
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