Falling points from the top of a geometry

I’m somewhat new to grasshopper and I always seem to find myself in what seems like a simple problem but overly complicated solutions when it comes to grasshopper.

I am trying to emulate the way a point (as a droplet of water or a rolling ball) would fall from the top of a geometry. I have seen this done with surfaces and have poked around in their scripts, but havent been able to figure out how to translate it into what would almost look like a simulation for water on a building. If anyone can help that would be great. Thank you!!

These are the geometries i’m trying to use. If you need a file i can attach but any example with a geometry will give me a better understanding.

Maybe this will do for you?
Rain.gh (339.3 KB)

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this is great. Thanks so much!

Is there a way to follow these points to create a path? similar to wind and water simulations? to get a curve from the point movements?

Let me figure that out once I am around a computer today. That sounds pretty sweet. I will give it a shot. Suspicion that you could try, would data recorder plugged into spline curve and swapping out the Bouncy solver for the step solver do the trick? :thinking: Granted, the video that I showed had 10,000 points. If you go recording those points at each step…

Hah! Yeah i had to bring my point number down a lot when i was messing with it but I’ll see if I can do what you said.

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All I could seem to get were point connections for the point before and after- which created straight lines at various angles, or just a jumbled mess of curves on the “floor” where they fall.

Rain2Thoughts.gh (354.5 KB)
Rough Rough curves with Rough concentration points.

Rain2Thoughts.gh (32.5 KB)

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this is really cool. Thank you so much for doing this. When i ever get a final result with the scripts you helped with i’ll send it along.