I have sets of curves that I want them to be extruded randomly from a list of predefined values. I am not sure if I am using correct terminology so I gave an example of what I am trying to achieve:
I have 10 curves and 6 predefined values (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30). I want curves to be extruded with these values. Each value can be used more than once but cannot be excluded.
Hey thanks!
I applied yours to one part of the original file. Jun23a and Jun23b work like a charm. First one was OK too but it used one of the values too many times.
I am trying to achieve stalactite-like structure. Here’s the small part of the original file that I am working on with your options. Random Value Extrusion.gh (13.7 KB) Random Value Extrusion.3dm (2.9 MB)