Extend and join a line and an arc

I’m new to grasshopper. I have a pie of a circle which its center is not on (0,0), so naturally when I offset it, it moves on a specific angle. I want to connect them with a line so I’ll have a closed curve, but I don’t know how to extend the line and arc to connect them together. In AutoCAD we use fillet with radius set on 0 to do that. Any idea to do the same in grasshopper?

6 o 5 dayereh - Copy.gh (19.7 KB)

6 o 5 dayereh - Copy.gh (15.2 KB)

i would create a proper circle and offset it by adding the offset to the radius of the original circle. this is just a messy solution.

Way, WAY TOO COMPLEX :bangbang: No reason to use Python :exclamation:

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It’s a specific arc type used in Iranian traditional architecture, therefore it’s different from a proper arc you use :new_moon_with_face::new_moon_with_face:

But thanks for the code you gave! I’ll try to practice it :slight_smile: