Hi all, when I am trying to export an Rhino object to VRML by:
Command: _-Export
, followed by the path C:\Users\xxx\VRML_Test.wrl
Rhino asks:
Choose VRML option ( Version=2.0 ExportTextureCoordinates=No ExportVertexNormals=Yes ExportVertexColors=Yes ):
No problems with these ones, as this is functioning in the same way as the GUI Exporting (File - Export Seleced…):
But after hitting enter, it’s asking:
Mesh settings ( Angle=20 AspectRatio=6 Distance=0 Density=0 Grid=16 MaxEdgeLength=0 Preview ):
So I cannot specify part of the options, such as “Minimum Edge Length” or “Refine mesh”, like I do in GUI:
Any idea what’s the correct command to use, so I can specify these options, or if there’s other ways to help automate the exporting?