Hi all
For STL export I use script by @Helvetosaur
! _-Runscript (
Option Explicit
'Script by Mitch Heynick
'Version 21 March 2012
'added current file name and folder default
Call ExportSTL()
Sub ExportSTL()
Dim arrObjs,strCurrDP,strCurrDN,strSaveDN,strFileName,strSett,filt
arrObjs = Rhino.GetObjects("Select objects to export as .stl", 8 + 16 + 32,, True)
If Not IsArray(arrObjs) Then Exit Sub
strCurrDP = Rhino.DocumentPath()
strCurrDN = Rhino.DocumentName()
filt = "STL Files (*.stl)|*.stl||"
If Not IsNull(strCurrDN) Then
strSaveDN =Left(strCurrDN,Len(strCurrDN)-3)&"stl"
strFileName = Rhino.SaveFileName("Export STL", filt, strCurrDP, strSaveDN)
strFileName = Rhino.SaveFileName("Export STL", filt)
End If
If IsNull(strFilename) Then Exit Sub
strSett = STLSettings() 'gets your settings from the function below
If IsNull(strSett) Then
Call Rhino.Print("Unable to get export settings")
Exit Sub
End If
Call Rhino.SelectObjects(arrObjs) 'selects your objects
'runs the export using the file name/path and your settings
Call Rhino.Command("-_Export " & chr(34) & strFileName & chr(34) & " " & strSett, False)
End Sub
Function STLSettings()
STLSettings = Null
Dim str1,str2,str3,str4,str5,str6,str7,str8,str9,str10
Dim str11,str12,str13,str14,str15,str16,str17,str18
Dim strComb
str1 = "_ExportFileAs=_Binary "
str2 = "_ExportUnfinishedObjects=_Yes "
str3 = "_UseSimpleDialog=_No "
str4 = "_UseSimpleParameters=_No "
str5 = "_Enter _DetailedOptions "
str6 = "_JaggedSeams=_No "
str7 = "_PackTextures=_No "
str8 = "_Refine=_Yes "
str9 = "_SimplePlane=_No "
str10 = "_Weld=_No "
str11 = "_AdvancedOptions "
str12 = "_Angle=15 "
str13 = "_AspectRatio=0 "
str14 = "_Distance=0.001 "
str15 = "_Grid=16 "
str16 = "_MaxEdgeLength=0 "
str17 = "_MinEdgeLength=0.0001 "
str18 = "_Enter _Enter"
strComb = str1 & str2 & str3 & str4 & str5 & str6 & str7 & str8 & str9 & str10
strComb = strComb & str11 & str12 & str13 & str14 & str15 & str16 & str17 & str18
STLSettings = strComb
End Function
It works beautifully, but at the moment important wishes have ripened. In my work for each project I get a lot scans in STL format, each file has its own name. I need to import all this mass to Rhino and write the names manually. It is too long. Then, having slightly adjusted the models, I have to export each of them to a separate OBJ file and save its name as file name, and this also takes a lot of time. I would like to receive help in writing a script for automation this proces.
Is it possible to modify this script so that take and assign name from properties and save it name as name STL file
And another script for import STL.
So that to take the name of the imported STL and assign this name to properties