Export Model Block Definition inserted creates layer 'Grasshopper'

I exported 80 blocks in 5 parent layers as one block definition. The main file is confidential.

When the file is inserted in a new Rhino document, Rhino creates a layer ‘Grasshopper’ for the block definition. I guess this happens because a definition isn’t really attached to a layer?

Can this be avoided and maybe even be fixed? I don’t like seing that ‘Grasshopper’ layer. I’m meticulous with my layer hierarchy and usually when I see the ‘Grasshopper’ layer it means I didn’t specify the layers correctly and there’s a mistake somewhere.


I created a test file with 10 simple blocks but the problem does not happen when inserting the test file.

export_block_definition_layer_problem.3dm (320.5 KB)
export_block_definition_layer_problem.gh (7.9 KB)

test.3dm (232.4 KB)

Hi @martinsiegrist,

Is there any object on Grasshopper Layer if you open it normally on Rhino?

I’ll check when I’m back home mid next week

@kike I think made a mistake and didn’t specify the layer for the objects in the block definition being exported…

Now I get 100 blocks on a layer ‘01_02_03_04_05’

I guess when we eventually get an export content component, it should be possible to export block instances without having to put them into a new block definition