Evaluate surface will give you the normal direction of a point in the UV.
Is there something I can use where i give it the normal direction instead and it places points on the surface UV?
Basically Evaluate Surface but backwards.
Evaluate surface will give you the normal direction of a point in the UV.
Is there something I can use where i give it the normal direction instead and it places points on the surface UV?
Basically Evaluate Surface but backwards.
As you can see here, there might be more than one place in which this occurs even if you fine tune it, also, the more points you subdivide by, the messier, but anyway…
find surface uv’s.gh (17.2 KB)
Thank you so much! I think this will be really useful for what im trying to do.
Im trying to imitate an environment map except using curves instead of textures.
I hope your help will get me one step closer.