Hi all,
Trying to create a simple ETO modeless dialog in Rhino 8 and Python 3 with a GridView.
I cannot seem to get the DataStore contents to render in the table. The data does exist, and adding a ClickEvent shows that data is stored in the element.
Minimal code example below, with the ClickEvent which prints cell content clicked to the Rhino commandline.
Any ideas to what I am doing wrong?
I did have to change the DataStore from a list of lists to a list of tuples to make it work from IronPython → Python3.
Works in p3:
GridTable.DataStore = [("UUID 1", "1"), ("UUID 2", "2")]
Doesn’t work in p3:
GridTable.DataStore = [["UUID 1", "1"], ["UUID 2", "2"]]
#! python3
# SampleEtoDialog.py
# MIT License - Copyright (c) 2017 Robert McNeel & Associates.
# See License.md in the root of this repository for details.
import Rhino.UI
import Eto.Drawing as drawing
import Eto.Forms as forms
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
import Rhino
# Sample dialog
class ModelessDlg(forms.Form):
def __init__(self):
self.Title = "Sample Eto Dialog"
self.ClientSize = drawing.Size(200, 200)
self.Padding = drawing.Padding(5)
self.Resizable = True
# Create gridviewtable
self.mygridtable = CreateGridTable()
# Create the layout of the form
layout = forms.DynamicLayout()
layout.Spacing = drawing.Size(5, 5)
# Adds the tabular layout to the main form
self.Content = layout
# Creates and return table function
def CreateGridTable():
#Create Gridview
GridTable = forms.GridView()
GridTable.Height = 600
GridTable.Width = 600
GridTable.ShowHeader = True
GridTable.DataStore = [("UUID 1", "1"), ("UUID 2", "2")]
GridTable.CellClick += OnCellClick
# Add columns
c = 0
column = forms.GridColumn()
column.HeaderText = 'UUID'
column.DataCell = forms.TextBoxCell(c)
c += 1
column = forms.GridColumn()
column.HeaderText = 'Type'
column.DataCell = forms.TextBoxCell(c)
return GridTable
def OnCellClick(sender, e):
if e.Item:
def showdlg():
dlg = ModelessDlg()
dlg.Owner = Rhino.UI.RhinoEtoApp.MainWindow
dlg.Location = drawing.Point(5, 5)
return dlg
def rprint(msg):
if isinstance(msg, str):
# Check to see if this file is being executed as the "main" python
# script instead of being used as a module by some other python script
# This allows us to use the module which ever way we want.
if __name__ == "__main__":
dlg = showdlg()