I’m attempting to create a “FillRectangle” that has rounded corners which I can specify the radius of.
Here’s the form I’ve created thus far to test with:
Note the pink and orange corners are the corners of the FillRectangles that I would like to be able to set a radius on.
Ideally I could control the radius at each corner with a separate float value.
I see a “GetRoundedRect” in the API docs but I can’t find anything about Drawing a Rounded Rectangle.
Thanks for your help!
Here’s my code I’m testing with:
import Eto
import Rhino
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
class drawShapes(Eto.Forms.Form):
def __init__(self):
self.Size = Eto.Drawing.Size(400, 600) # Increase the size of the form
self.WindowStyle = Eto.Forms.WindowStyle.None
self.Resizable = True
self.Padding = Eto.Drawing.Padding(30)
self.MovableByWindowBackground = True
self.Styles.Add[Eto.Forms.Panel]("transparent", self.MyFormStyler)
self.Style = "transparent"
pixelformat = Eto.Drawing.PixelFormat.Format32bppRgba
bitmap = Eto.Drawing.Bitmap(self.Size, pixelformat)
graphics = Eto.Drawing.Graphics(bitmap)
background_color = Eto.Drawing.Colors.LightGrey
brush_1 = Eto.Drawing.SolidBrush(background_color)
button_color = Eto.Drawing.Colors.White
brush_2 = Eto.Drawing.SolidBrush(button_color)
button_height = 94
# Create Background Rectangle
graphics.FillRectangle(brush_1, 0, 0, self.Width, self.Height)
# Create Button Rectangle
graphics.FillRectangle(brush_2, 10,10, (self.Width - 20), button_height)
# Load the image (for testing)
image_path = r"image_file_path_test_insert_your_own_file_path_to_image_here"
image = Eto.Drawing.Bitmap(image_path)
# Draw the image with specified size
image_width = 82
image_height = 42
graphics.DrawImage(image, (self.Width - (image_width + 20)), 31, image_width, image_height)
self.image_view = Eto.Forms.ImageView()
self.image_view.Image = bitmap
self.Title = "Custom Image Button Toggle"
closeButtonSize = Eto.Drawing.Size(100,50)
# Create Close Button
self.Button = Eto.Forms.Button(Text = "CLOSE")
self.Button.Size = closeButtonSize
self.Button.BackgroundColor = Eto.Drawing.Colors.OrangeRed
self.Button.Click += self.OnCloseButtonClick
# Add Button To Layout
self.layout = Eto.Forms.DynamicLayout()
self.Content = self.layout
def MyFormStyler(self, control):
self.BackgroundColor = Eto.Drawing.Colors.Transparent
window = control.ControlObject
if hasattr(window, "AllowsTransparency"):
window.AllowsTransparency = True
if hasattr(window, "Background"):
brush = window.Background.Clone()
brush.Opacity = 0.1
window.Background = brush
color = window.BackgroundColor
window.BackgroundColor = color.FromRgba(0,0,0,25)
def OnCloseButtonClick(self, sender, e):
def EstablishForm():
form = drawShapes()
form.Owner = Rhino.UI.RhinoEtoApp.MainWindow
if __name__=="__main__":