What would be the simplest way in constrcucting accurate rounded rectangle using ghpython?
I have this as the base (C# Rectangle3d (rounded) - Grasshopper) , what I modified from @PeterFotiadis. I added the separation of X and Y direction “fillets” in order to get consistent diameter on both directions.
import Rhino.Geometry as RG
def createRectangle():
cornerRadius = 5.0
length = 48.0
width = 24.0
rect = RG.Rectangle3d(RG.Plane.WorldXY, float(length), float(width))
#implement corner radius
if cornerRadius>0:
tx = cornerRadius/length
ty = cornerRadius/width
nurbsPts = []
for i in range(4):
tdiv0 = i
if i%2==0:
tdiv1 = i+tx
tdiv2 = i + (1-tx)
tdiv1 = i+ty
tdiv2 = i + (1-ty)
rect = RG.NurbsCurve.Create(True,3,nurbsPts)
return rect
a = createRectangle()
The issue is at the end with the NurbsCurve.Create(), as this makes a somewhat “sharp” fillets compared to corner arcs. Changing the knot weight does not provide any more accurate results.
How can I most simply get the clean lines+arcs polycurve as the gh component produces?