I’m getting a list of block instance preview “thumbnails” as System.Drawing.Bitmaps that I want to use in an Eto.ImageView control like so:
It appears I cannot directly pass the system bitmap to the Eto bitmap.
Is there a method I can use that handles this conversion? Perhaps casting, or something else I am overlooking?
Here’s the excerpt from my code:
# Calculate grid cell count
cell_size = 150 # Set your desired cell size here
column_count, row_count = self.calculate_grid(cell_size)
top_padding = 30
# capture bitmap
thumbnail = forms.ImageView()
t_size = System.Drawing.Size(cell_size, cell_size)
thumbnail.Image = None
# # get active view
# view = sc.doc.Views.ActiveView
# thumbnail_bitmap = view.CaptureToBitmap()
# Rhino.RhinoApp.WriteLine(str(thumbnail_bitmap))
block_table = sc.doc.ActiveDoc.InstanceDefinitions # Get All Block Instance Definitions In Document
block_names = []
block_thumbnails = []
for block in block_table:
block_names.append(block.Name) # Get Individual Block Name
block_thumbnails.append(Rhino.DocObjects.InstanceDefinition.CreatePreviewBitmap(block, Rhino.Display.DefinedViewportProjection.Perspective, t_size)) # Create Bitmap Of Block Preview Image
# Add text labels and thumbnails to the grid layout
for row in range(row_count):
for col in range(column_count):
# Create a panel to hold label and thumbnail
panel = forms.Panel()
panel.Size = drawing.Size(cell_size, cell_size)
panel_layout = forms.TableLayout(panel.Size)
panel_layout.Padding = drawing.Padding(5)
panel_layout.Spacing = drawing.Size(5, 5)
# Add label
label = forms.Label()
label.Text = f"({row}, {col}) - "
if row * column_count + col < len(block_names):
label.Text += block_names[row * column_count + col]
label.Text += "No block defined"
label.TextColor = b_color_light if dark_mode else b_color_dark
panel_layout.Add(label, 0, 0)
# Add thumbnail
thumbnail = forms.ImageView()
thumbnail.Size = drawing.Size(cell_size - 10, cell_size - 40)
# thumbnail.SizeMode = forms.PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage
if row * column_count + col < len(block_thumbnails):
thumbnail.Image = block_thumbnails[row * column_count + col]
thumbnail.Image = None
panel_layout.Add(thumbnail, 0, 1)
panel.Content = panel_layout
# Add panel to the layout
self.layout.Add(panel, (col * cell_size) + lib_padding, (row * cell_size) + lib_padding + top_padding)
self.Content = self.layout
and the type error I am getting:
TypeError: System.Drawing.Bitmap value cannot be converted to Eto.Drawing.Image
Thank you all for your help!