Hi friends, I have a non-planar surface and i need to have panels with equal size on it. Furthermore i want to enter size of lunchbox panels instead of their numbers in u and v direction. Any help would be appreciated
2c.gh (129.6 KB)
Hi friends, I have a non-planar surface and i need to have panels with equal size on it. Furthermore i want to enter size of lunchbox panels instead of their numbers in u and v direction. Any help would be appreciated
2c.gh (129.6 KB)
Have you found a solution to this issue? I’ve encountered the same problem and noticed many threads with similar questions, but none seem to provide a definitive answer. If you’ve discovered a solution, I would appreciate it if you could share it with me.
The surface needs to be broken down into physically same size segments. Using Panelingtools or any other plugin that does not rely on UV spacing for the surface matters.
Here is one example discussion: Equal Grid Across Surfaces - #10 by scottd
Here are many discussions about it: PanelingTools - McNeel Forum
And downloading Panelingtools: PanelingTools for Rhino and Grasshopper | Food4Rhino