Enhancement: Add "Real Time" Measurements to PointDeviation

Hello Pascal,

yes Curve/Curve works in that case!

Regarding Analaysis Management I also had a panel in mind, something that globally manages Analysis Tools, toggles Visibility and maybe even calls/starts each Analysis Tool from the panel by clicking the named buttons, but you are right, its not the right time atm.

Regarding Analysis Management and Workflow, I took the freedom of thinking about how Class-A principles might be promoted with the new tools.

The first thing that is usually taught is the “Standard Three-Way Corner Fillet”.
There is a system to this, that incorporates all the new tools that you came up with:

G2 Filleting
Distance Analysis
Trim Refit
Edge Continuity Analysis

This could be turned into a Tutorial, as this is the standard way of creating a corner fillet. It might also be a way of promoting Rhino of being capable of “Class-A Filleting”

However there is a little catch to this. The process of combining all the new tools revealed some weak spots.

First constantly selecting edges all over the place to match and analyse will probably drive most people away. For a simple fillet like this you would need 16 clicks just for the intitial set up. Most people seem to expect Auto-Filleting or some other magic, so explaining the necessity of this might be tough.

A way around this would be combining the Match Tool with an Edge Continuity Analysis. This way the selected edges would get measured right away, which reduces the set up procedure by 50%, and would require no additional Analysis down the line, speeding up the process immensely.

This keeps the Analysis Data Management at a minimum and would make using two tools simultaneously in the viewport unnecesary

Also this would also be a great aid in judging the different options and settings of the match tool.

This is the common way: Working from the Matching Tool with a visible Continuity Analysis by the Match-Tool itself, Final inspection with a (global) Edge Continuity Analysis Tool.

Another Problem I found is, that View Distortion reveals the Control-Point Distribuition to be jiggly. The reason for this is the limit of Rhinos Control-Point Tools for manual clean up.

I would recommend one solid “Clean up” tool for this, as this will become problematic with more complex surfaces.

It could either be more powerful Control-Point Modeling like described in the other Thread (Tangent Extention/Smart Track), or adding “Tangent handles” to the match menu (Which would be like combining Match and End Bulge), which is the standard procedure in a Modeling System like ICEM.

Best Regards


Hello - thanks - I’ll add your comments and images when I make up a bug track item - that will be very helpful. My immediate ambition is get this little analysis tool working in a useful way, get he major bugs out and then hand the whole idea off to someone much smarter than me. There will be a major gap or lag however, so that is why it might be a good thing to get something working well enough now.


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Ok great!

my recommendation for a basic Class-A workflow right now, would be adding the Edge Continuity Analysis to the Match Tool.

Keep the tools exactly the way they are, just show the Deviation during matching. The two Edges need to be selected the same way in both tools anyway. This would probaly require little to no new development and has the most benefit:

Anyway thanks to your great Tools, Rhino can finally do some fine surfacing! The Edge Continuity Analysis and the Distance Analysis are a Game Changer for Rhino!


Hello Pascal,

i would like to ask about the status of your analysis tool.
Any chances to see this in V8?

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A bit late to the party… but I’ve just found this plug-in, wow, thanks Pascal!

How come the development team aren’t listening to every word you say and every plugin/script you write? Rhino would be sooo much richer for it! I hope you get invited to the dev meetings?

A massively useful tool, once again thank you!


This is a great tool. Should deffinatly be considered for v8

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Is this what you are looking for? Global Edge Continuity - Release Candidate now on packagemanager

It’s a C# plugin for edge continuity and deviation.

It’s been a while since I had to use these scripts… how do you turn off the min and max labels?