Emojis on Food4Rhino

I can’t understand that Food4Rhino doesn’t admit emojis.
If I update my plugin description including :sunglasses:, I get this error:

These emojis was released in Unicode ten years ago. Please support them.

You must not look happy while at work. :wink:

// Rolf

For sure you were very happy with your boomer joke. :rofl: Ask your grandson for help, everything will be fine. :massage_man:

Which one of them? :slight_smile:

Any one of them can explain to you the power of symbolic communication. Although you seem to understand, and you just wanted to annoy. Be happy with your jokes.

here, let me help



Happy New Year.

// Rolf

The current version of F4R will skip emoji’s. I’ve added it to the list to keep in mind when developing the next version. I’ve also been informed, that F4R isn’t the only CAD related app store that doesn’t support emojis, fwiw.

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