Eliminating duplicate lists from a list of lists

Hi, everybody, I couldn’t find a similar topic.
In Grasshopper I have a data tree with lists inside each branch. Some lists are exactly equal (duplicated). What I want to have is a set of those lists, so I have to eliminate all lists that appear more than once.

I couldn’t reach the desired result with the CrossReference component, neither with a Set Difference or similar.
You can find attached a minimum working example that represents my case.
delete_duplicated_lists.gh (10.4 KB)

I hope this topic is clear enough, if not let me know.
Thanks in advance!

Bit of a hack and might be not what works for your real data (I am assuming it’s not just letters), but it works in the example and is very simple. Just join the text using a separator, create set to get uniques, split text again.

delete_duplicated_lists_TextJoin.gh (10.1 KB)


Thank you Armin, works like a charm on my real data (Yes, just text)!