Eliminate item with decimals in elevation value with Grasshopper

Hey guys!

I have a shapefile of elevation values for a site I’m doing a project on. The file has been given to me where the topography lines are spaced by increments of 0.25m. I want to have increments of 1m between each line. Do you know how I can keep the round numbers only and delete the others with grasshopper?

Ex. I want to keep items with elevation value of 62.000 and 63.000 but delete everything in between (62.250, 62.500, 62.750)


Maybe use text and search for .000 items.

It depends on your input dataset.

I’ve used this input data with the methods below.

If your input data is consistent, you could use a simple cull pattern.

Or you could check for equality with rounded value.

Or you could check for equality within tolerance (more robust especially with floating point values).

cull_decimals.gh (8.4 KB)
