Any two circles, co planar, randomly placed and sized.
I just want to draw a line that is tangent to both…
I tried starting with the tangent snap option, but that get’s nothing.
Surely you do this every day.
Have you already try this command : _Line _Tangent _2Curve
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Adn, you are a genius. It worked and I can continue working. Case closed in record time! Thank You so much.
There are a whole series of those sorts of tools in that same toolbar.
They are all options of the single segment “line” command.
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I too have the same problem, it seems that there is just nothing that works to draw tangential straight lines from or to circles. Which for me is very standard way of creating the geometry I need. It is extremely frustrating and if I knew Rhino did not have this functionality I would not have bought it.
Rhino does have this functionality, in the command line type- Line, choose Tangent from the options offered