DWG Import Options dialog asks for manual input when run from script

3dm files that have dwg links (linked blocks) prompt for confirmation when opened - it becomes particularly problematic when vray Batch Rendering tries to open them - it can’t proceed without the user confirming this prompt, which breaks the batch process.

It doesn’t prompt for confirmation when opening the file “normally” (“double clicking” the .3dm file) if you check “Default Import Settings”.

To replicate run Python script on a .3dm file that has .dwg file linked in as a block (linked block), e.g.:
rs.Command("-Open <location>")

If there is any way to set default import settings for vray batch renderer (or when opening a file with a script) please let me know.


In the meantime here’s a simple script to remove all DWG files from the scene:
XrefRemoveDWG.py (172 Bytes)

and to list all linked blocks (useful if you have another scene opened before removing DWG linked blocks):
XrefSel.py (769 Bytes)