I am creating a component which can change it’s inputs based on user input.
First of, as I know this is not the most grasshoppiest way, the reasoning behind the dynamic component is it encapsulates an ever expanding host of very similar components (cross section macros for a FEA software) each with their own number of numeric parameters (height, width, left flange angle, etc).
The parameters are added like this:
Param_Number param = new Param_Number();
param.Name = attr.Key.Name + " [" + attr.Key.Unit + "]";
param.NickName = attr.Key.Nick;
param.Description = attr.Key.Desc;
param.SetPersistentData(new GH_Number(attr.Key.DefaultValue));
Now the slight problem is, for some reason if I check the “Display Full Names” option in the GH Display options, these parameters are still only shown with their NickNames.
Is there some other plumbing required to handle the dynamic parameter manipulation?
The class does not implement IGH_VariableParameterComponent as this is not a ZUI like component (but it did not help either), the user can not directly add/remove parameters, only choose which “section macro” would he like to create.