Hi guys,
I’m trying to find this Document Element component in the Rhino Inside but apparently it’s not there.
Best regards,
Hi guys,
I’m trying to find this Document Element component in the Rhino Inside but apparently it’s not there.
Best regards,
Hí @kike.
Seems like the Query Elements only working with the element in the active document. I’m trying to get the elements from the linked document.
Of course, I can select manually the linked elements by graphical elements component but it’s too many of them without filtering it first
Or there is another way to use the element from the linked document?
Thank you
All the Query components work with the current document by default but you can zoom in on it and add the Document parameter to the component if you need it.
See this please: https://www.rhino3d.com/inside/revit/beta/guides/revit-docs#document-aware-components
Hi all,
I had a question which relates to the document element links component in RIR.
I have been trying to implement that component usings Node in code. See the screenshot below.
But where previously there is a remark to tell me I am using the current document, it is throwing this message as an error. Returning no output.
The below RIR component used outside of code works fine, providing it as a remark
Is there a particular way I need to provide the node in code component the document? I have tried both the RhinoInside.Revit.ActiveDBDocumentand passing in the document from the RIR Active document component.
Or is that even the parameter it is looking for? I have had a peek at the source code here but I can’t find any obvious indication that it’s anything other than document.
Apologies in advance if I have missed something blatant
Cheers, Pete
Hi @p_smithuk,
I have to look more in detail to know what happens here, but I guess is because the component by default has just one input and is not the document but the Link Name.
Here an alternative.
RiR-QueryDocumentLinks.gh (10.8 KB)
Hi Kike,
Thanks for the response and code. Much appreciated
I have tried in a python node a more rudimental version of the code you have provided there. One which outputs Autodesk.Revit.DB.RevitLinkInstance. Where I am having trouble though is passing the RevitLinkInstance to the Target parameter for my Orient component. It’s returning an error that it can’t parse Goo to plane. When I run it through a graphical element primitive I get similar but Data conversion from graphical element to plane failed
From the looks of the output of the query linked documents component it comes out as if it’s gone through a Revit Linked model primitive
This was the reason I tried to use this component node in code
Thanks again,
You can use the Element Location or Shared Locations to get the Planes available for that project.