Hi I’am rookie on the forum, and it’s the first time I’am trying to create script on rhino.
Here is the purpose :
I want to distribute a bloc on a point and along a spline, then I want to merge everything.
this is what I want to do :
I don’t know if I can do all the 3 step in the same script, but I’am pretty sure that I can do step1 and step 2 in the same. I have found 2 different script that I want to weld together, on to distribute the bloc on the points, the other one to orient the bloc on the spline.
My problem is that the second script is just not working, when I launch it, it stop ( do I need a plugin or something like this ?)
bloc on point :
' Replaces points with blocks Call ReplacePointsWithBlocks Sub ReplacePointsWithBlocks ' Select points to replace with a block Dim arrObjects arrObjects = Rhino.GetObjects("Select points to replace with a block", 1, True, True) If Not IsArray(arrObjects) Then Exit Sub ' Get the names of all block definitions in the document Dim arrBlocks arrBlocks = Rhino.BlockNames(True) If Not IsArray(arrBlocks) Then Rhino.Print "No block definitions found in the document." Exit Sub End If ' Select a block name from a list Dim strBlock strBlock = Rhino.ListBox(arrBlocks, "Select block", "Replace Points") If IsNull(strBlock) Then Exit Sub ' Turn off redrawing (faster) Rhino.EnableRedraw True ' Process each selected point object Dim strObject, arrPoint For Each strObject In arrObjects ' Get the point object's coordinates arrPoint = Rhino.PointCoordinates(strObject) ' Insert the block at that location Rhino.InsertBlock strBlock, arrPoint Next ' Delete all of the point objects Rhino.DeleteObjects arrObjects ' Turn redrawing back on Rhino.EnableRedraw True End Sub
then the orient on curve script which doesn’t work :
Option Explicit
'Script written by Pascal
'Script copyrighted by RMA
'Script version Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Private sOldCopy
If isEmpty(sOldCopy) Then
sOldCopy = “Yes”
End If
Sub OrientCrv2Pt()
Dim aObj: aObj = Rhino.GetObjects(“Select objects to orient”,True,True,True)
If Not isArray(aObj) Then Exit Sub
Dim sCopy: sCopy = Rhino.GetString(“Copy?”,sOldCopy,array(“Yes”, “No”))
If isnull(sCopy) Then Exit Sub
sOldCopy = sCopy
Dim abase: aBase = Rhino.GetPoints(True,“Set first base point”, “Set second base point”,2)
If Not isarray(abase) Then Exit Sub
Dim sTarg: starg = Rhino.GetObject(“Select target curve”,4)
If isnull(starg) Then Exit Sub
Dim aPt(1)
aPt(0) = Rhino.GetPointOnCurve(sTarg,“Set first target point”)
If Not isArray(aPt(0)) Then Exit Sub
apt(1) = Rhino.GetPointOnCurve(starg, “Set a point on the curve near the desired target point”)
If Not isArray(aPt(0)) Then Exit Sub
Dim Dist: Dist = Rhino.Distance (aBase(0), aBase(1))
Dim param: Param = Rhino.CurveClosestPoint(starg,aPt(0))
Dim plane: Plane = Rhino.CurveFrame(starg,Param)
Dim sSphere: sSphere = Rhino.addSphere(apt(0),Dist)
Dim aInt:aInt = Rhino.CurveSurfaceIntersection(starg,sSphere)
Rhino.DeleteObject sSphere
Dim aTest(), i
If isArray(aInt) Then
For i = 0 To Ubound(aInt)
ReDim Preserve atest(i)
atest (i) = aInt(i,1)
End If
Dim temp: temp = Rhino.PointArrayClosestPoint (aTest, apt(1))
Dim atarg: atarg = aTest(temp)
Dim stargPt: stargPt = “W” & Rhino.Pt2str(atarg,True)
Dim sRef:sRef = “W” & Rhino.Pt2str(aPt(0),True)
Dim sbase1: sbase1 = “W” & Rhino.Pt2str(abase(0),True)
Dim sbase2:sbase2 = “W” & Rhino.Pt2str(abase(1),True)
Dim Vecbase: vecbase = Rhino.VectorCreate(aBase(1), abase(0))
Vecbase = Rhino.VectorUnitize(VecBase)
Dim Vectarg: vectarg = Rhino.VectorCreate( aPt(0), aTarg)
VecTarg = Rhino.VectorUnitize(VecTarg)
Dim basePlane: BasePlane = Rhino.PlaneFromNormal(aBase(0),Vecbase)
Dim targplane: targPlane = Rhino.PlaneFromNormal(atarg,Vectarg)
Dim aNew: aNew = remapToPlane(aObj, BasePlane, TargPlane)
Dim str
If isArray(aNew) Then
Rhino.SelectObjects aNew
str = "_Rotate3D " &sRef &sTargPt
Rhino.Command str,False
End If
End Sub
Function RemapToPlane(aObj, Plane1, Plane2)
Dim aXform: aXForm = Rhino.XformRotation(Plane1, Plane2)
Dim result: Result = Rhino.TransformObjects (aObj, aXform, True) 'bln Copy
RemapToPlane = Result
End Function
Rhino.AddAlias “OrientCrv2Pt”, “_noEcho _-Runscript OrientCrv2Pt”
Rhino.AddStartupScript Rhino.LastLoadedScriptFile
So first thing is that I want the second sript to work, then I’ll try to mix them
Any help ?