DisplayPipeline for linetypes

Hi I’m trying to draw a custom linetype pattern using RhinoCommon’s DisplayPipeline.

I can only find the DrawPatternedPolyline ( https://developer.rhino3d.com/api/rhinocommon/rhino.display.displaypipeline/drawpatternedpolyline?version=8.x )

but the output is bad, it looks like some patterned paper is overlaid on my screen.

I would wish a method in the displaypipeline to draw a line with actual linetype (like the ones we see in the layer table) which would be scaled using linetypescale and all other real lines.’

EDIT: Looks like i might be able to tweak the Pen in here, https://developer.rhino3d.com/api/rhinocommon/rhino.display.displaypipeline/drawcurve

Create a DisplayPen instance with whatever pattern information you want and use this when drawing curves.


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Thanks for prompt reply!