Display grid, how to hide it

hey, not sure how to call this, I am trying to hide this gird in the circle area.

thank you !

deactivate the preview in the specific component.

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That’s the base plane from the rectangle component. Join the output of the rectangle to a Geo or Curve component and hide the original rectangle component

Try F7, it turns it on and off.—-Mark

Or Options > Document Properties > Grid and select desired options
Note Grid display is a document property so it goes with the file.

works, thank you !

Hey, If you want to hide it forever until you need it, you also can go to Display-> preview plane size-> and
set the number to 0. But don’t forget this path because you may need to see planes for other components
then you can set it back on work again.
But as others said the most handy one is to extract the geometry to a specific params and then hide the main component which is showing the plane!

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This short key turns of the Rhino grid! Not the plane of components!