Display clipping box does not update for custom display geometry


I am working on a C# based Grasshopper 1.0 plugin.

In this plugin we create custom preview geometry which is displayed in Rhino to visualise each different object. The scale of the preview geometry is tied to the CentralSettings.PreviewPlaneRadius and updates if this setting is changed.

The issue I am running into is that the m_clippingBox and PreviewCaches do not pull my new calculated boundingbox for the new scaled preview geometry. The result is that the preview geometry is not fully visible in the rhino viewport.

When I expire the solution of the component and rerun the component, the clipping box updates correctly. But the cached clipping box just does not react if I change the CentralSettings.PreviewPlaneRadius even though the actual display geometry scales correctly.

I tried different things to invalidate the m_clippingBox and retrigger the PreviewCaches but so far, I had no success. I looked into: ExpirePreview(), ClearData() and Preview_ComputeClippingBox().

Any ideas or suggestions?

What I expect:

What I get (the object is larger than the clipping box in the display pipeline):