Hi, I know grasshopper could do basic matrix equations such as adding and multiplication. I am wondering of there is anyway that grasshopper do determinant of a matrix. Has any body done anything around this?
That’s very easy via C# (see attached).
If you are not in the C# bandwagon notify (I’ll add an user Matrix as input option since as it is works with a rnd values demo Matrix).
Matrix_Determinant.gh (11.0 KB)
Thanks. I do not know C#. Possibly you can add matrix as an input. I have attached my matrixModal Analysis.gh (8.8 KB)
Get it.
Note: if userMatrix is null or is not valid or is not Matrix (in plain English: you input bananas) … then the internal demo takes over (use: rows, columns, min, max).
Matrix_Determinant_V1.gh (122.1 KB)