does anybody have any idea how to properly detect openings in breps.
If I have a surface it’s not a problem to detect a naked edge or interior edge, but what if you have a closed brep (let’s say a profile).
I would go the way to look for openings in each face and see which one is close to another one, but it seems kind of clunky.
@jmv I think your English is just fine.
I might be a bit unspecific.
I am trying to get holes out of profiles (something like a feature recognition). So I am able to get every single cutout in the faces but I cannot get a real connection. In the picture I posted I want to know the geometry I could fill the opening with…
But I guess that might be the way. Detecting the curves that are close enough to each other. Or get the brep face which has a 2 connections to the filtered loop edges.