1CLOSED.3dm (348.6 KB)
I have an imported Brep that is clearly 2 parts, but it showing as a valid closed polysurface.
How can I detect these types of Breps?
1CLOSED.3dm (348.6 KB)
I have an imported Brep that is clearly 2 parts, but it showing as a valid closed polysurface.
How can I detect these types of Breps?
Hi @lignindes,
Where or what did you import the file from?
It is possible to create disjoint Breps programmatically. I can’t think of a good way to detect this, off the top of my head.
– Dale
Revit, of course! The place where geometry goes to die.
Darn, this type of problem is something I’m coming up against regularly. Can I detect using a Python script and RhinoCommon? Is there an .IsDisjoint() method anywhere?
import Rhino
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
import scriptcontext as sc
def count_regions(brep_id):
brep_obj = sc.doc.Objects.Find(brep_id)
brep_geo = brep_obj.Geometry
regions = 0
to_check = [True for i in range(brep_geo.Vertices.Count)]
def are_adjacent(v1, v2):
for edge in brep_geo.Edges:
if all([v in (edge.StartVertex.VertexIndex, edge.EndVertex.VertexIndex) for v in (v1, v2)]): return True
return False
while True:
if sum(to_check) == 0:
regions += 1
next_vertex = to_check.index(True)
to_check[next_vertex] = False
boundary = [next_vertex]
while True:
expand = [v for v in (v.VertexIndex for v in brep_geo.Vertices) if to_check[v] and any([are_adjacent(v, bv) for bv in boundary])]
if len(expand) == 0:
for v in expand: to_check[v] = False
boundary = expand
return regions
def is_disjoint(brep_id):
return count_regions(brep_id) > 1
def check_disjoint():
brep = rs.GetObject("select brep", filter=8+16, preselect=True)
if not brep:
region_count = count_regions(brep)
if region_count > 1:
print("Brep is disjoint with {} regions.".format(region_count))
print("Brep is contiguous.")
if __name__ == "__main__":
Hi @lignindes,
I’ve added some “stuff” that should make this easier. It will appear in the first Rhino 5 SR15 release candidate.
– Dlae
Can’t you use this?
Yep, that works - thanks for reminding me.
The new stuff I added is a little fancier, as it returns an index map identifying what faces went into making the pieces. If you don’t care about that, use what you’ve mentioned.
– Dale
Thanks @Measure !
RH-85074 is fixed in Rhino 8 Service Release 15