Designing a Spiral Staircase with Balustrade in Rhino

Hi everyone,
I’m looking to model a spiral staircase with a balustrade that follows the curve of my building. As a beginner in Rhino, I’m not sure which commands to use. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!
rework.3dm (3.3 MB)

I always tell beginners, think about how you would build this if you were to make it out of paper.

in fact, even take the time to make it out of paper, it will teach you a lot about Nurbs modeling.

paper is 4 sided, you can trim shapes and tape them together, this is at it’s essence, nurbs modeling basics.

people always look at me like I’m crazy but paper models taught me 90% of what I know about nurbs modeling

the edges of your paper are curves, surfacing the curves is loft, edgesrf, or 1 or 2 rail sweeps…

that knowledge alone will take you a loooong way.