Delete intersecting lines script?

Hi there

I have a lot of curves that intersect with one another, and it would be great if there was a way to delete one of the curves that are intersecting… (trying to remove overlapping lines for visual clarity when i zoom out, the intersecting lines tend to create black spots)

is there a simple grasshopper definition that can achieve this?

any help would be much appreciated. :slight_smile:

Without .gh ?

That’s a classic hard flat Clustering task (where criterion is Crv/Crv Ccx Events). I have tons of examples for any Clustering task imaginable … but are all done via C# (i.e. not a single native component on sight). Any similar Clustering returns an indices Tree (where all Items have at least one other item related via criterion [i.e. as an option you can control result, say, via N of Ccx Events etc]) … meaning that you can do anything you like (for instance do a closed Crv bool union, delete all items except one [or more] etc etc).

Anyway If you want an indicative C# notify.

seems in such case you have to use multi-thread enabled operations.
-using point groups on circles center with radius of each circle + tolerance as distance and then culling top %n of groups per center member quantity
-or using curve|curve option
-or going with point-on-curve component.
-another way is preventing curve overlap from first and making them on integer grid for less float operation.
-or using multi-thread-union! .
-or better performance with scripting like said above.