I have a list of points and a list of curves that have the same structure. I used Curve Closest Point in the image here, I have 2 points in the branch 1;5;0 and 7 curve in the branch 1;5;0. What I want is each point to be matched with each of 7 curves, resulting 1;5;0;0 - 1;5;0;1 - 1;5;0;… - 1;5;0;7. But as you can see, it doesn’t automatically add another level of branches and gave me only 7 values. What is to be done to get the desired result?
Many thanks. Sorry for my bad English.
Sorry for the inconvenience I’ve cause. I’ve baked some result to minimized the file down to the problem, so I will attach a Rhino file also The data structure is simpler but data structure problem is the same. Here in the branch 1;6 of curves tree I have 8 curves, and in the branch 1;6 in the points tree I have 2 points. So the result should be 1;6;0 and 1;6;1, each branch have 8 results, right? :s
Thanks for replying so fast. Much appreciated!
Why do you say that should be the result when it isn’t? LoL - sorry for misunderstanding if I did Can you clarify?
After Dispatch you’re left with the two points, prior to that (equality component boolean pattern output) your branch did have 8 things in it, out of which 2 are true.
Well that’s why I’m asking - to see if I am understand the way Grasshopper works correctly. Sorry if the question sounds dumb I’m newbie. The problem I have with the data tree is that I thought each items of the points list should be match with each items of the curves list so the Curve Closest Point works properly.
The second files that you made was exactly what I was going after. I was trying to find the edges that touch the concave points of the geometries. This cost me all day and you made it so simple. Thankyou so much!
Update: I finally identified the problem with the data tree, but not before @Joseph_Oster saved me the trouble. His script does the same thing without dealing with the problem, but I will just upload the solution it here anyway for anybody comes after. This is the longest list behaviour, so I just stack data of both lists, based on list length of each other. Hope that helps someone…
My problem was with the data tree, I just didn’t think someone would understand what I’m trying to do here (which @Joseph_Oster did). I found the problem with the data tree anyway and I updated it, hope that clarifies things Cheers bro!