Data conversion failed from Surface to Vector

I was creating a lamp and ran into a problem with Amplitude. It says “Data conversion failed from Surface to Vector”. I tried to edit the curve, but it didn’t help.
I’m new to Grasshopper, so I don’t know what to do to solve this problem, I just followed the video tutorial. Could you help me with this issue?

lamp.3dm (54.2 KB) (24.7 KB)


if what you are trying is to extrude the surface, then you need to connect the Vector input to an actual vector and not a surface. What you can do is use the Evaluate surface component and get its normal vector to connect that to the amplitude. If you need the surface to be extruded in another direction, then just calculate the vector and connect it to amplitude.

Something like this. (22.4 KB)

I hope this helps!

Try this too

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