Hi friends,
who can explain this? Sometimes curves could have 5 or 6 discontinuity points at the same time if you analyze the curves in different ways.
bug report.gh (129.0 KB)
This is not a bug. Discontinuities are the kinks in a curve. A square has 4 kinks / corners. The polyline that describes a square has 5 points. The start end end point exists twice.
Hi Martin,
I understand what you said.
After cull duplicate points, there are still 6 discontinuity points.
It’s not 6 discontinuities but 6 points maybe. Your curves don’t seem to be polylines.
Two segments are tangent and at that point you don’t get a discontinuity (selected).
Next time you post a file maybe just post the relevant stuff. Thanks
Thanks for this clarification.It make sense.
Sorry ,I didn’t notice that.
Triangle, but the bottom straight line is composed of two straight lines joined together.
disc.gh (6.6 KB)
How do you feel about renaming the topic title?
Curve point count / discontinuities discrepancy? Is this a bug?