Curve Mesh Intersection


I am intersecting some lines with meshes and I referred to the example in the knowledge base:

But i got a warning: warning C4996: ‘ON_Mesh::MeshTree’: was declared deprecated
…so I am just wondering if there is a better way to do this?


Here is the declaration in openNURBS:

  bCreateIfNoneExists - [in]
    If a mesh tree is not cached on this mesh and
    bCreateIfNoneExists is true, then a new one will be
    created and cached.
    If a mesh tree is not cached on this mesh and
    bCreateIfNoneExists is false, then null is returned.
  An pointer ON_MeshTree for this mesh. The pointer may
  be null and the caller must check it before dereferencing.
ON_DEPRECATED const class ON_MeshTree* MeshTree() const;
const class ON_MeshTree* MeshTree( bool bCreateIfNoneExists  ) const;

Does this help?
