Curve Manipulation with Graph mapper

I am trying to manipulate a curve like depicted. I attached my attempts (GH file) to make this happen. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

Preferred Result
I would like to leave the end points the same and bend the curve equally on both sides using Graph Mapper. In Addition, would I like for the distance between original curve and manipulated curve be greater/smaller depending on the length of the curve.

Curve Forum (26.7 KB)

I don’t know how you got that “Manipulated Curve”? (18.2 KB)

Regarding this part (below), you can replace the slider below the Graph Mapper with a ReMap component that depends on curve length
 :thinking: I’ll leave that to you.

In Addition I would like for the distance between original curve and manipulated curve be greater/smaller depending on the length of the curve.

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I guess ReMap isn’t required. I multiplied curve length by the value of the blue group slider. (16.5 KB)

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Hey @revilo239, looks like you’ve manipulated your curve via control points? Something you could try for this matter is point deform, if your intention is to modify your curve towards a shape like the one in your preferred result. Other viable methods could involve Spatial Deform or attractor points.

The ‘issue’ with the graph mapper is that one alone might not satisfy - you could also look into the ‘riched graph mapper’ plug-in.

Here’s a playful example you’re welcome to check out:
Curve Forum (11.6 KB)

The result tries to do some justice in approximating your desired curve (*plus further deformation):

By ‘playful’ I mean it’s not ‘smart’ like what Joseph has shown you.


Hi Joseph, I am playing with the definition you gave me. I figured out the graph-mapper portion of project. right now I am trying to figure out how to make the distance of moving the points depended of the length of the curve. not sure how to make them travel less as shorter the curve gets.

Thank you for your help.

Cool, thanks. Let me play with these and I report back.

My second post does that.

Oops, my bad I forgot that part, I corrected it just in case:
Curve Forum (20.1 KB)

it does

Works great

Any idea how I could manipulate the vector so that all curves bend towards the center (See Attached). (18.9 KB)

You didn’t internalize your rails and section curves.

But I guess you weren’t asking me,

For sure - ‘didn’t know you were using those other curves with multiple orientations/positions so I moved the points downwards (- Z) only. It can be adjusted so that the vectors come from perpendicular planes the curves instead of a single vector. I can update and share in a bit :+1:t5:

internalized curves update (23.5 KB)

I did not mean to
 Your answers on other threads have help me countless times (I am not worthy) Thank you! (23.5 KB)

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I used Dispatch instead of two Cull Pattern components.


Humility goes far @revilo239 - you are definitely worthy :wink:


Here it is: (25.5 KB)

Feel free to ignore - please know that as someone who has benefited from Joseph as well I wasn’t trying to compete, just noticed the point manipulation and offered an alternative.


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I don’t know where you are going with this? So I riffed a little jazz. Separate offset sliders for each branch from Dispatch followed by Loft. With considerable care for sequence of curves. (28.1 KB)

:sunglasses: :+1:

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Thank you Joseph. It is a beautiful thing when a definition is to the point and does what it is suppose to. Works like a charm!

Yep this is what I was after. Thanks again!