Hey guys, so im trying to create something like the facade of the national heart centre by broadway malyan.
i have a plane. which i extracted the longer curve from. its 7500 units long. and i want to divide it to random parts, with a minimum of 20 units, and a maximum of 180 units. jumps are multiplications of 20…
so something like this comes out: points at - 20,60,80,120,200,220 etc… in addition im trying to avoid repetition of distances… I.E. if i have a point on the curve at a distance of 180. the point before cant be the same as the one after. jumps cant repeat - 20,20,20,40,20,40,40 (this numbers are not the ones i need).
what i need is - 20, 40,20,60,40,20 jumps…
i hope u understood.
i have a file, but since i cant create what i want, i find it useless to upload it.
Hope u guys can help. thank you.