I have a very complex set of topography lines at 2’ elevations from GIS, which comes in as a .dwg into Rhino. This is all well and good, but the area is very large (600 acres) and the topography is so complex I cannot create a terrain without crashing the computation.
NOTE: there are multiple contour lines at each elevation.
Therefor I am attempting to reduce the complexity in an attempt to build the terrain by culling curves by elevation.
This will be used for master planning purposes, so I do not need a precise terrain.
I am basing my definition on defining the curves by their Z value, simply by extracting End Points, then I have a long list of lines that I can use for culling, but I am having difficulty doing that with the Sequence component (every 10), since it does not check all the list items …
Any suggestions? It should be rather easy, but I am just not coming up with the method.