looking at a cross-platform rendering plugin that could be embedded in both Rhino Windows and Mac.
Experienced with Visual Studio, being largely dependent on Windows Forms, I would rather like to investigate Xamarin (maybe in combination with Eto)
I started with : https://stevebaer.wordpress.com/2011/02/25/52/
My prior aim is to get a plugin implementation with a structure requiring minimal code changes (particularly for UI and threading),
and painless distribution between Mac and Windows Rhinoceros flavours ?
The question is then the following :
at this day, was someone successful to make a crossplatform rendering plugin skeleton ?
Or more basically, someone would like to provide a sample Xamarin solution that is able to handle Eto Forms from Windows and Rhino.
We are pretty optimistic that the combinations of Visual Studio and .NET, Xamarin and MonoMac, and Eto are going to provide decent cross platform compatibility. We don’t anything in regards to samples, that we can share with you at this time. Certainly, nothing as elaborate as a rendering framework. Heck, MacRhino does not even has a plug-in manager (yet).
But i you want to start looking at Eto, its included with Serengeti, and there are some Eto samples on GitHub. If you are not on Serengeti, let me know and I’ll hook you up.
Looking forward Rhino 6 having all support for developers to implement cross-platforms plugins.
(or maybe in a future release of v5 for early adoption ?)
Dale, please you can hook me up on Serengeti.
However, I would like to start rewriting my utility (a Rhino to a third-party stand-alone renderer),
How could I practically display an Eto.Forms application with RhinoCommon support inside Rhino Mac and Rhino ?
(without a plugin manager on RhinoMac, it could be simply launched from a RhinoPython script, but I do see exactly how to do it).
If you want to get familiar with RhinoCommon and Eto, using Rhino for Windows is probably the way to go right now. We just don’t have enough information yet to support 3rd party developers on MacRhino.