Creating Threads

Is there good way to create to threads? I have tried helix/sweep but that does not work well.

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Hello- Helix and Sweep1 (Roadlike, Top for a vertical thread axis) RailRevolve is what I use as well.


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That’s what I was trying but I am not getting the edges to match up. Any trick to that?

I have the ends of the profile intersecting the helix.

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Hello- make one revolution and then stack it up to get the full length of threads. It will mesh more cleanly that way as well.


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I might be making progress, but I with each new level, I always get a bad surface that i have to extract and recreate.

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Sounds wrong… post your curves and surfaces…


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I discovered a bit of weirdness. Here I have three segments. The center is the original. The outer ones are copies. If I try to join center/left it works fine apparently. If I try to join center/right I get a bad surface.
Problem (687.5 KB)

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Hello- here’s how I’d set this up-

thread_maybe.3dm (833.5 KB)


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I get the same problem with your file. If I copy to the left (view in image) I get a bad surface when I join. When I copy to the right, it joins fine.

But when I try to do a second copy and join, I always get a bad surface. I have to extract the bad surface (which fortunately always has a straight profile) and loft to file the hole.

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fwiw, I never make threads anymore- I use Mcmastercarr and download parts from their site-

so much easier, faster, and higher quality than making your own.

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Thanks, that will likely help in the future as there are things to do with NC threads.

My immediate problem is that I am working on adaptor plugs for battleship armor that do not use a standard thread or diameter and have not been made since the 1930’s.

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ah… carry on with Pascal’s advice then…

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