Creating sublayers with python

Hi guys. I have a simple python script that creates a few layers with different colors which I think I based on a script I found from Helvetosaur here on the forum (I think). Now I’m wondering how I can create one Main layer and have the 3 layers be created as a sublayer. I’ve been trying this trick with Mainlayer::Sublayer but somehow I couldn’t get it to work. Anybody that could help me out here?

import scriptcontext as sc
import Rhino
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs

layer = Rhino.DocObjects.Layer()

def AddLayers():
    layernames = ["Layer1", "Layer2", "Layer3"]
    Colors = [(255,0,0), (0,255,0), (0,255,255)]
    Count = 0
    for x in layernames:
        layer.Name = x
        rs.LayerColor(x, Colors[Count])
        Count += 1

@siemen, just use rs.AddLayer which allows to define a parent layer:

import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs

def DoSomething():
    main_layer = rs.AddLayer("Main")
    names = ["Layer1", "Layer2", "Layer3"]
    colors = [(255,0,0), (0,255,0), (0,255,255)]
    for i in xrange(len(names)):
        rs.AddLayer(names[i], colors[i], True, False, main_layer)


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AddLayer() has some optional arguments including ‘parent’ - which you can use to specify a parent layer if you want a layer to be its sublayer. The parent layer has to exist first.

Thus, create your parent later and then add your sublayers:

import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs

def TestAddSubLayers():
    if not rs.IsLayer(parent_layer): rs.AddLayer(parent_layer)
    sublayernames = ["Layer1", "Layer2", "Layer3"]
    Colors = [(255,0,0), (0,255,0), (0,255,255)]
    for i in range(len(sublayernames)):
        # Color is also directly specifiable


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Thanks @clement & @Helvetosaur! I’ll try this out.

Just out of curiosity: On that for loop, why do you both use something like “range(len(names))” instead of just “names”? I would think the way I did it is faster (as in, less typing) so I assume there’s a reason why you’re doing it like that?


because we then have an index to access both lists, the one for the layer names and the one for the colors.


Aha! So it replaces my “Count” logic?

@siemen, yes, you could also simplify it using this:

    for name, color in zip(names, colors):
        rs.AddLayer(name, color, True, False, main_layer)


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Great, thanks a lot!

Hi ,
I just tested your sub layer script and Layer1,2 and 3 are created as layers.
It correctly created MainLayer and then created the others as new layers not sub layers. This is on ver 7 on mac…is this still a problem ?

Hi Giuseppe,

It works on Windows… Sadly I don’t have a Mac to test on. @pascal - can you test?


Of course a came in to the office today without my mac, but can test tomorrow or this evening.


I hope you can solve it…thanks…Giusseppe

Hi, Did anyone find the solution for this on a mac please ?

Hi @giusseppe,

the parent option stopped working a long time ago, i remember to report it but it never got fixed. The workaround is to give rs.AddLayer the fullpath instead eg:



Thanks Clement, I see how that works on its own but cannot work out how to add it to the script with the i values…

Hi @giusseppe, try below:

import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs

def DoSomething():
    main_layer = rs.AddLayer("Main")
    names = ["Layer1", "Layer2", "Layer3"]
    colors = [(255,0,0), (0,255,0), (0,255,255)]
    for i in xrange(len(names)):
        full_path = "{}::{}".format(main_layer, names[i])
        rs.AddLayer(full_path, colors[i], True, False)


well, that certainly works, thank you…where can i read about the use of curly brackets like that ?

It’s called string formatting:

Keep in mind that Rhino 7 uses IronPython 2.x, which means that you can’t use the super new stuff from Python 3.6 and beyond, like f-strings.

Thanks. Very interesting reading