Creating revit analytical lines and surface from RIR


is there any plan to add creating analytical model features in the future development?
It will certainly help the structural engineers a lot!

thanks in advance.

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Hi Junghwo,

We do have a feature request on this topic, let me know if there is anything we need to add.

The roadmap for new components of this magnitude will be more clear once Rhino 8 is released. There are a number of Disciplines that are cued up for additional components; Mechanical, Plumbing, Electrical, Structural.

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Hi @Japhy,

Thanks for the comments.
Yes… This topic would be a game changer for the structural engineers who work with the Revit analytical model. Structural Load element is one thing, however, I feel more important to have additional components to create structural analytical line for the members and surface for the walls and slabs.

I have spoken about this topic with @kike in Barcelona last week.
He is also aware of the topic and hope we can have it in the next release :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks always and look forward to using RIR in Rhino8 soon.



Hi, following up on Junghwo’s question above.
Now that Rhino 8, Revit 2024, and Rhino.Inside are all commercially available, are there any plans to create components that interact with Revit ‘Analytical Members’? The above request appears to be specific to loads.
It seems that, as of RIR ver 1.17, analytical members may be referenced into Grasshopper, but I’m not aware of any way to create them from within Grasshopper.

Hi David, This is still in the feature request phase queue. Are there any features in particular I can add to it?

Sorry if I misunderstood, but is there already a feature request to create ‘Revit analytical members’ from grasshopper? The request above is only related to loads, which was not my request.

As of Revit 2023, structural members (beams, columns, floors, etc.) are completely separate from analytical members and, consequently, analytical members must be modeled independently. It would be incredibly valuable to structural engineers if we could generate these analytical members with grasshopper, but I’m not aware of any components to do this.

Here’s what i’m seeing available in 2023 and above.


We’ll start with the Member, Panel and Opening Creation, along with the point loads mentioned.

Let us know if there is anything else critical to your workflow.

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That’s exactly right - members, panels, and openings are certainly the most critical, but loads (point, line, and area), links, and boundary conditions would all be very useful.
Thank you!

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Hi @Japhy ,

I have also meant it for the analytical member, panel, and opening… Dynamo provide the components to create them since revit 2023 api doc has been updated for this part.

It would be really great to have it in RIR natively.
Thank you

Hi @David_Blanco ,

You understood it correctly my question …hopefully we get the components from McNeel soon

this will be awesome!

Hi @Japhy ,

do you have any further news about these compoents to be added in the future?
In fact, is there any public roadmap about new features?
Thanks in advance.

Junghwo Park,

As i mentioned on a recent post concerning the same topic, the primary focus for RiR devs is Rhino 8 Scripting and GH1 integration. There are weekly enhancements & modifications going into Rhino.Inside.Revit but major improvements (RiR 2.0, curtain walls, MEP components, analytical workfows,…) are subject to dev workloads and have no fixed timeline.

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I understand…
Thanks for the answer.

Hi @Japhy,

I have looked at the Enable Analytical Model post.
My questions is slightly differ to the topic.

I think it would be great if we can create analytical line and surfaces from the grasshopper geometries.

dynamo has already components for this workflow…Anyway, I understand the workload and priority of the major improvements.

I just thought that RiR could also have components for the analyze panel.

