Creating an empty box with Box(plane, BoundingBox.Empty)


I found a weird behavior in rhinocommon api. It might be a bug or just me being fooled by expecting something different.

I want to create an oriented empty box to union with points and grow.

from Rhino.Geometry import Box, BoundingBox, Plane

box = Box(Plane.WorldXY, BoundingBox.Empty)
print box.X.Length, box.IsValid

print box.X.Length, box.IsValid

Result is:

-2.0 False
2.0 True

The box should just contain one point, so it should degenerate to just that point and have zero length in all intervals. Or Not?

Any feedback?

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Hey Gianluca!

I’m digging through the source code to find out more about this.

For now, here is a solution that returns
0.0 True
0.0 True

from Rhino.Geometry import Box, BoundingBox, Plane, Interval

box = Box(Plane.WorldXY, Interval(0,0),Interval(0,0),Interval(0,0))
print (box.X.Length, box.IsValid)

print (box.X.Length, box.IsValid)

In RhinoCommon an empty bounding box is this.
new BoundingBox(1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0);
A box that has a width of -2.

If you use box.Union(Point3d.Unset) you’ll notice the width becomes 2 because when using Union RhinoCommon attempts to make the BoundingBox Valid, which swaps the values.

This script illustrates what happens

from Rhino.Geometry import Box, BoundingBox, Plane, Point3d

box = Box(Plane.WorldXY, BoundingBox.Empty)
print (box.X, box.IsValid)

print (box.X, box.IsValid)

And the output

1,-1 False
-1,1 True

Ciao old pal!

Thanks for the explanation, I’ve already used the intervals in the code to get an empty box as you showed. However I think the behavior of the constructor that takes the BoundingBox.Empty might be misleading.

Thanks for the quick answer!

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Ciao :slight_smile:

I’m asking internally about this, I think the way Box does Union is incorrect tbh. The proper solution might be to create your own Union method for now.

I’ve filed a bug so we can look into it

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