Creating 3D-printable joints from converging pipes

Hello there,

I was creating a double-courved wall with optimized cross-sections from Karamba 3D, using the cross-section output manually (sort data in Excel) from disassemble element to get the diameter measurements and material thickness for each pipe, with which the pipe wall structure was created.
Now the question is how to create 3D-printable joints out of the connection points (pipes with different diameters and material thicknesses) of the structure?
The joints should fit individually into the inner pipe and like a push-fit system with e.g. 4 cm overhang.
Which Plug-in is useful and available for that instance?
Thanks & BR (8.0 MB)

initial post: Extract nodes and pipes out of cross-section optimization

I would consider giving Multipipe a try, it produces very organic shapes which I found super suitable for making joints

Hello Inno, thanks for naming the multipipe component.
Do you know how to create joints with different diameters?
As I understood, the in size points differ from the input of curves. Thus, there is a change of the diameters using multipipe. I would like exactly the same as indicated in the input list, because I want to buy these sizes later on in the hardware store. The nodes solemnly should be 3D printed, do you have a solution for that? I tried YANG component, but it is not starting with my Rhino Grasshopper.

different joint (142.6 KB)