Create individual planar surfaces within a grid of lines

Hello all,

I have a curved surface that I want to divide into planar surfaces (panels) of a specific size. The end panels would be smaller as a leftover size. I also want the ability to set the location of the panel edges.

Most tutorials I have found typically do 1 of 2 things. 1) divides the main surface by lines that have an equal length, meaning you can’t specify the distance between the lines except by changing the size of the overall surface. 2) If the main surface is being divided by a specific distance between lines it only starts from one end of the overall surface, this means the leftover panels are always on the opposite side. I want to be able to center the start point on the overall surface so the leftover sizes are on each side.

Initial curved surface

Current state of grasshopper definition. I think that the boundary of each square is planar.
Now just needed to figure out how to create separate planar surfaces in each square. Then I would extrude each of those individual panels in the direction based on the normal of each panels plane, ( I know how to do this last part).

Curved Torsion Spring Ceilign Panelized clean.3dm (187.3 KB)
Curved Torsion Spring Ceilign Panelized (8.8 KB)

Why not split the original surface? U can also find the intersecting points and use paneling tools if need planar panels… I guess there are plenty of ways to do it as long as u have ur lines arranged the way u want

this is by using the “classic old way” as if you were describing quads for a mesh:

Curved Torsion Spring Ceilign Panelized (23.9 KB)
[geometry is internalized, so you won’t need the Rhino file]

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