Create a support line

Hello everyone, I have the following problem: I have modeled a 3D bar (cube) in Grasshopper. I want to have the bottom edge lines as line supports. For this I use the Deconstruct-Brep component. If I now connect my desired line with the Support component I get the following error: “1st Support 0: Input plug ‘Pos|Ind’: could not convert values to an integer or point.”
My solution was to create points from the respective line with the Divide Curve component. However, this does not work either, because I then have points which are not in my element.

So the question is: what is the easiest way to model a line support in this case?

you can only define points in karamba as supports. Therefore you need to extract those points which sit on your line to define as support points.

Yes, thanks for your answer.
To keep it simple: I model a 2D rectangle.
Take two opposite lines, which I want as support and create from this points. (let’s say I make 5 points out of 1 line).
If I now want to implement my rectangle in Grasshopper with the Mesh to Shell component, I only get the 4 vertices. And that then leads to an error because my supports are on more points than are defined in the shell.
So how can I create more points at my shell (just those that are also the points of the line)?

well the points that you define as your supports need to be points on your shell/mesh.

Please refer to Karamba3D Tidbits #18 - Simple Shell on Vimeo