Could not load type from an assembly from a custom component


I am trying to use a definition that used to work on my former PC in July 2023. It uses Emgu.CV via a C# component that I built in visual studio. When I try to run it I get the following error:

  1. Solution exception:Could not load type ‘Emgu.CV.Features2D.MSERDetector’ from assembly ‘Emgu.CV.Platform.NetStandard, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7281126722ab4438’.

All DLL are ublocked and placed in C:\Users\vsard\AppData\Roaming\Grasshopper\Libraries\Aesthetics Framework

Another thing: I was using it in RH7, now I am running it in RH8.

Thank you!

The curious thing is that the dll that is in my components folder is version 4.4 and the error is saying version 4.5

I found the solution:

There was another component that I built using Emgu.CV with a more recent version. I moved the newest one from the components folder and now it runs smoothly. :slight_smile: