Cotangent matrix

Hi community,

I’m wondering if there are any tools (usable via code) in GH to get the cotangent matrix. Could you please give me some guidance?

I saw it on wikipedia (the L in the pictured formula):

I’m trying to run partial differentiation function on a mesh with lots of vertices, and need to get laplacian for each over the many many simulation steps. I got some idea on getting the laplacian for one vertex from here Discrete Laplacian - #32 by maje90, but iterating this over vertices seems very slow

Thanks a lot!

I know that for a 2D matrix, there are existing functions in languages like python (applying filters or shifting entire matrices) that gets laplacians for all vertices altogether–and they are a lot faster than getting laplacian vertex-by-vertex. I’m hoping to get one of these for mesh

It’s not a hugely complex calculation, so even for fairly large meshes shouldn’t be too slow to do like this:

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I use the function linked by Daniel on quite a lot of number of iterations ant it is quite fast.

You make the calculation one time, keep it on an array and reuse it. Sometimes topology functions are not fast but you can easily store the results in an array in order to not calculate things at each step.


Thanks so much for your help Daniel! The code you kindly share has helped me so many projects, and putting in work to understand your detailed explanations taught me a lot.

I found the cotangent laplacian code from PyTorch3D and implemented a Numpy version below.

:thinking: :question: A big question-mark for this code is the choice of [1, 2, 0] and [2, 0, 1]. I think this is just to get the index-pairs of the edges but, if I replace the former with [0, 1, 2], the resulting laplacian will change.

The linked pytorch3d.ops.laplacian_matrices — PyTorch3D documentation PyTorch3D is a ML library, but the code itself doesn’t have much to do with ML (besides being differentiable, the documentation says)

I’m not sure how useful (fast) this is for a GH project, but learning some math along the way was fun.

from numpy.typing import NDArray
def cotangent_laplacian(vertices: NDArray, faces: NDArray, epsilon: float=1e-12):
    vertices_count, faces_count = vertices.shape[0], faces.shape[0]
    vertices_grouped_by_faces = vertices[faces]
    v0, v1, v2 = vertices_grouped_by_faces[:, 0], vertices_grouped_by_faces[:, 1], vertices_grouped_by_faces[:, 2]
    # use vector norm to find length of face edges
    A : NDArray= np.linalg.norm((v1 - v2), axis=1)
    B : NDArray= np.linalg.norm((v0 - v2), axis=1)
    C : NDArray= np.linalg.norm((v0 - v1), axis=1)
    '''Heron's formula'''
    s = 0.5 * (A + B + C)
    area = np.sqrt((s * (s - A) * (s - B) * (s - C)).clip(min=epsilon))
    '''Law of cosines, in cotangnet'''
    A_squared, B_squared, C_squared = A * A, B * B, C * C
    cotangent_a = (B_squared + C_squared - A_squared) / area
    cotangent_b = (A_squared + C_squared - B_squared) / area
    cotangent_c = (A_squared + B_squared - C_squared) / area
    cot = np.stack([cotangent_a, cotangent_b, cotangent_c], axis=1)
    cot /= 4.0
    ii = faces[:, [1, 2, 0]]
    jj = faces[:, [2, 0, 1]]
    idx = np.stack([ii, jj], axis=0).reshape((2, faces_count * 3))
    m = np.zeros(shape=(vertices_count, vertices_count))
    m[idx[0], idx[1]] = cot.reshape(-1)
    m += m.T
    return m
m = cotangent_laplacian(vertices, faces)

Thanks a lot for your help Laurent! I agree that saving results from heavy computations to avoid re-doing them is super helpful.

If I understand correctly, the L matrix does something similar by incorporating the topology. I learnt one way to do it in python (see code in above message)

This code-related question was fixed!