I would like to access Rhino’s ‘ConvertToBeziers’ command from Grasshopper and get all the consecutive Bezier Spans from a NURBS curve in a list? Any suggestions?
Thank you, that should clearly do the job. Can some body point me to an example how to use a Rhino Command within C#/VB withing Grasshopper or set me up an scripting component with “CreateBeziers”
private void RunScript(Curve C, ref object B)
BezierCurve[] bzCrvs = BezierCurve.CreateBeziers(C);
NurbsCurve[] bzNurbs = new NurbsCurve[bzCrvs.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < bzCrvs.Length; i++)
bzNurbs[i] = bzCrvs[i].ToNurbsCurve();
B = bzNurbs;
ConvertToBeziers.gh (3.9 KB)
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Thank you Michael!